Web Application Penetration Testing

Web application security assessments are a fundamental control to ensure the robustness of security on websites or other web applications in organizations. Our engineers are dedicated to identifying possible vulnerabilities in web pages or applications, thus ensuring the protection of your applications and data. Testing activities include detection of the 10 most common types of vulnerabilities defined by the OWASP Top 10 guide, mapping and enumeration of websites, testing for injection attacks (SQL, JavaScript, LDAP, among others), remote code execution, malicious file loading tests, and various additional techniques depending on the type of web application.

Some of the tools we use in our evaluations are:

Burp Suite Pro, Nessus, Vulnerability Scanner, nmap, Nuclei, Nikto, Dirbuster / Dirb, Dirsearch, Sqlmap, Dalfox XSS Scanner, BeEF, Metasploit, Qualys SSL Scanner, BuiltWith/whatweb, Manual validation.

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ByteArmor is a firm that focuses on maximizing the cybersecurity posture and improve the IT project management capabilities of your organization.